

The area of Estremadura is a land of stark contrasts. Some call it a region nestled “between the sea and the mountains”, giving visitors an endless variety of landscapes that are sure to delight any and all who visit.


The Atlantic Ocean feels as if it is only a breath away, and lining the endless expanse are some of the best-known beaches in the whole country, such as Nazaré, Vieira, Pedrogão, São Martinho do Porto and Peniche.



Nicknamed the ‘Altar of the World’, Fatima has become an import location for all visitors, whether religious or not, as a place where they can take time out to reflect and gain spiritual protection.



You will find that the whole region is still dotted with ruins and structures from medieval times, with imposing castles that stand as living proof of long gone battles and wars. Immerse yourself in this period of history and visit the well-preserved, imposing castles the region has to offer.



The Estremenho Limestone Massif spans the Serras de Aire and Candeeiros natural park and is the most important area of limestone in Portugal. The limestone substrate is what has created the striking landscape, where visitors can see several naturally-
occurring phenomena such as caves, gorges, cliffs, limestone pavements, dry valleys, polje and sinkholes.